The Job Well Done Presents

The Queen's Way
to Successful Leadership

Written by Dr. Maheshika Halbeisen

Answering the Key questions:


i. What made Queen Elizabeth II so admired and respected?
ii. What made Her Majesty so unique?
iii. What set The Queen apart?

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The Job Well Done, The Queen’s Way for Successful Leadership

Available in hardback, paperback, Kindle and Large Print Hardback


Get ready to unleash your inner leader with The Job Well Done: The Queen’s Way to Successful Leadership. This powerful guide is inspired by the life and legacy of the late Queen Elizabeth II, who overcame challenges and limited experience to become one of the most revered leaders of all time. With practical advice and inspiring stories, this book will empower you to cultivate a detached egoless mindset, focus relentlessly on success, build resilience, use soft power, strive for perfectionism, and much more. Whether you’re a seasoned business leader, a rising manager, or an aspiring entrepreneur, The Job Well Done offers the insights, and inspiration you need to make a positive impact in the world. Dare to learn from an extraordinary woman and unleash your full potential as a leader. Get ready to make your mark and leave a legacy of greatness! 

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